Churches Together for Chipping Barnet
Churches Together for Chipping Barnet is a group of churches who work together for the following purposes:
- To enable their members as pilgrims together, to explore the Christian faith together, to develop mutual relationships, to seek a common mind, and to make decisions together
- To encourage churches to worship, pray and reflect together on the nature and purpose of the Church in the light of its mission, each church sharing with others the treasures of its tradition
- To enable churches to live and share the Gospel, to evangelise together and to take steps towards fuller unity
- To enable churches to respond to the needs of society and to witness to the Gospel together.
We have a constitution, and our Council (appointed by our churches) meets three times a year. Click here to see our structure
As part of our work, we hold a number of events. See our calendar here
Member churches are:
- St Andrew’s Chesterfield Road URC
- Barnet URC – Wood Street
- Christ Church Barnet
- Mary Immaculate & St Gregory the Great RC
- St Mary the Virgin, Monken Hadley
- St John the Baptist, Barnet
- St Mark’s, Barnet Vale
- St Peter’s, Arkley
- St Stephen’s, Bell’s Hill
- Underhill Baptist Church
- Wesley Hall Methodist Church